“We’ve learned to try to not spoil an audience member’s personal interpretation of what’s happening. He gave a ton more details that I’ve pulled out of this response, and will share when I post my interview with my new best friend Jimmy, I mean James Ward Byrkit, in full. His response helped in that it gave me options, whether or not it will help by the end I’ll leave to your discretion.
#Watch coherence online free how to#
So how does one go about tracking all of these threads swirling around in circles within this movie? I was so concerned about how to make sense of this movie and so perplexed how to understand what was going on here that I asked the writer and director of this movie James Ward Byrkit (who I’ve taken to calling Jimmy in my head, just because we are tight like that… in my head anyway.) My actual question was posed more specifically as such:

And by then, you are too far down the rabbit hole to really make sense of everything (and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING) happening around you. It’s only later on that you realize just how far down the path you have already gone. When Amir and Hugh walk out the door and then walk back in something just happened, but it isn’t even called out. The reason the movie is complex is because as the movie progresses, it exponentially ramps up the variables going on underneath the covers of this movie. The only movie more complicated would be Primer… and nothing will ever become more complicated than that particular head-job. I would go so far as to say that this is the second most complex movie ever constructed. But its the unassumingness that throws you off kilter, hits you with a surprise right hook. And then you begin to realize something’s rotten in Denmark. Coherence is an unassuming movie… at first. Stop! Do NOT, under any circumstance, continue reading this post without first clicking one of the links above to watch this movie before hand. Coherence is an amazingly brilliant movie that will completely rattle your cage if you haven’t been rattled already. If you have not watched the movie already, please read my review of the movie – watch it – and then come back.
#Watch coherence online free update#
Regardless, Coherence is a wonderful mind-warping movie worthy of being added to my 5 Best Mind Bending Movies list… which, while I’m thinking about it, I should probably update it now! There have been so many great movies that qualify for that list over the past year or two. I will also be doing a longer interview with him about the creation of the movie and his future movie aspirations. But the thing that pushed me over the edge was when Director James Ward Byrkit responded to me out of the blue and offered to lend a hand. And yet, here we are a year or two later and still no massive walk through like I have done for similar movies like Primer, Timelapse, Timecrimes, Memento, Upstream Colour, The One I Love, etc. If you are new here, complex movies is our bread and butter… so Coherence should have been a boondoggle. James Byrkit’s movie Coherence is definitely one of those movies. Sometimes, when I first watch a movie, I’m so blown away by what I’m seeing that I know that I’m going to have to stop, reflect, rewatch it, reflect some more, and then talk about it.